The journal is published in English twice in a year. It publishes original research in all areas of agriculture and its related applied sciences. The Journal accepts Review papers which attempts to bring together state of the art in agriculture in Botswana and in the region. These should be incisive, analytical and have a provocative edge to stimulate discussion and chart the way forward for agriculture in Botswana. Current and global hot topics with relevance to agriculture productivity and farmer’s livelihood in Botswana are encouraged. Short communication reporting on interesting data of early stage research or limited experiment could be submitted.

Proposals for Conference Issues, Special Issues or Sponsored Issues

BOJAAS considers special issues for the next calendar year in the first quarter of the previous calendar year.

Proposals for Conference Issues, Special Issues or Sponsored Issues should be directed to the Editor: Prof. Sello Alfred Likuku via email / or the editorial submission system .

A one-two page rationale for the special issue, outlining the gap in academic knowledge and practice it is hoped to address should include be included. For these to be considered they should also include a one page CV of any proposed editors and an outline of the conference or symposium arrangements proposed.

BOJAAS reserves the right to vary these requirements as the editor deems appropriate.

Vol 14 No 1 (2020): Research and Review Articles

Published: 2020-04-03

Editor's Note

Sello Alfred Likuku


Classification of riparian woody plant communities along the Thamalakane River in northwestern Botswana

G. Tsheboeng, D. Teketay, M. Murray-Hudson, K. Kashe, M. Mmusi, J. Madome


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In cases where there are a relatively small number of papers in a special issue, the journal also reserve the right to merge issues together into one including special issues and regular issues, the special issue then becoming a section of a regular issue.