Role of farmer’s indigenous knowledge for adaptation and mitigation to Climate Change in Kgalagadi-North District, Botswana
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This paper presents perception of farmers in terms of adaptation and mitigation to climate change in Kgalagadi-North District. The study used qualitative survey method and results are derived from purposively selected interviews using semi-structured questionnaire. The research focused on participants who were aged 50 years and above. Data were summarized and analysed qualitatively using descriptive statistics. Farmers’ perceptions showed that frequent wildfire was major cause of climate change. Farmers further mentioned that they were affected by irregular rainfall, increased temperature and recurrent droughts. The findings confirmed that milk production and number of calves per cows were in declining trend over the last 30 years. The results showed increased trends in donkeys’ population signifying importance of donkeys in farmer’s herd as adaptation strategy. The results revealed that livestock diversification, making use of migratory approach in search of pasture and water, and sale of livestock before onset of drought are key adaptation strategies developed by farmers. The results also displayed that farmers mainly used to practice different strategies such as saving food and seeds, use of drought tolerant crops, diversifying crop varieties and changing of planting dates to overcome the irregularity of rainfall. Results revealed that farmers mostly used to pray for rains and involve in environmental management for adaptation and mitigating. It seems that adaptation and mitigation measures employed by farmers helped them to enhance resilience and reduce vulnerability. We suggest that farmers’ experience for adaptation and mitigation to climate change plays a crucial role in scientific research and sustainable development.
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