A Review of piggery manure management: generally, across western, Asian and African countries
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The aim of this paper was to review the piggery waste management aspects in several countries of the world. Intensive livestock production produces significant quantities of waste that must be managed to protect water, air, and crop quality. The high demand of modern animal production has been influenced by the rapid growing populations as a result of rapid economic growth and increase in community living standards which is associated with the accelerated generation rate of solid waste causing a serious worldwide challenge. Piggery waste is said to be one of the most important causative agents of environmental pollution in most parts of the world. A growing pig population is unavoidable because it is a convenient source of protein to the growing human population and at the same time this means increasing piggery waste. Animal manure can provide nutrients for crops and fish production and input for biogas production, but if not managed, then this can also have a negative impact on the environment. Nevertheless, there are few countries who are considering legislation in relation to manure management.
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